Sculpture in round. This can be viewed from all angles.

Method of making: curving or subtractive method. In this, material is removed to come up with the final form.

Technique of design:- Burnishing to give a glossy look.

Sculpture in round

Method of making: rolling or coiling method. Here, clay is made into a coil to come up with the desired shape.

Technique of design: Excising. A design is made separately and added to the sculpture piece to come up with the ring.

Sculpture in round

Method used: Modelling/ additive/ construction where material is added to come up with the shape.

Technique of design: painting. A brush is used with paint to give it colour.


Steps followed to come up with the Art pieces above.

  • Get a source of inspiration.
  • Collect the necessary materials and foils


  1. Sketch the source of inspiration
  2. Prepare the clay to be used.
  3. Make a Marquette following the sketch.
  4. Begin modelling/ curving basing on the Marquette made.
  5. Give ample time for drying in a dry cool place while covering it with a polythene.
  6. Fire the clay product use any suitable technique to design.
  7. Display for use.